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Champoeg State Park 2006

NWTFC Pre-Rally at Champoeg (shampoo-ey) State Park — June 6-7.

This mini-rally north of Salem, Oregon was arranged by Ed & Jeanette Block for a more intimate setting for fun before caravanning to the FMCA NW rally in Albany.  All coaches had power at the fine RV camp loop – even a hall & restrooms.  New members, Jo & Roy Barker, from N. Calif., joined in the fun Tuesday, playing “Blongoball” with Jeanette & Phyllis and enjoying a fine outdoor potluck dinner with all – in comfortable, fairly bug-free weather.

A brief meeting attended by eight couples gave everyone an opportunity to learn the prize booth procedure from committee chairs, Gene & Carole Nemish, and to sign up for a shift or two – also to be prepared for the 9-coach caravan to the fairgrounds.

By 1 pm Wednesday, seven coaches left the lovely park, with spouses driving tows & parking credentials in windows.  It was a few miles to the freeway and then easy-going 40 miles to the I-5 rest stop at Santiam River, where two remaining coaches joined our caravan.  We arrived at the fairgrounds by 2 pm.

Report:  J. Block